By Tauno Iileka

GOBABIS – In its meeting held on 07 August 2023, the Omaheke Regional Council passed several resolutions to be implemented by the Chief Regional Officer and the senior management. The resolutions are highlighted below.

Operational Budget for the 2023/2024 Fiscal Year [RCR: 07/08/2023]

The Regional Council approved the proposed 2023/2024 operational budget amounting to N$51,852,659.00.

Over 90 per cent of this amount (N$46,681,282.00) is expected to be provided by the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development while the rest of the income will mostly be generated from municipal services in the settlement areas as well as surcharges from electricity sales by the Central North Regional Electricity Distributor (CENORED).

A significant amount of the budget has been allocated to personnel expenditure (N$34,479,314.00), utilities (N$5,719,145) and transport (N$3,750,000.00).

Implementation of Rural Development Programme for the 2023/24 Financial Year in Omaheke Region [RCR: 10/08/2023]

The Regional Council approved the allocation of N$403,846.15 to be equally distributed among all seven constituencies, for the implementation of Rural Development Programmes for the 2023/2024 financial year. Each constituency receives an allocation of N$57,692.30.

The Ministry of Urban and Rural Development allocated this amount to the Regional Council to implement rural development initiatives, through the Micro Finance Scheme, One Region One Initiative, Regional Specific Action Plan/Food Security or Food/Cash-for-Work.

Economic Projects Assessment Report [RCR: 11/08/2023]

Following a project assessment conducted by the Regional Council’s Division of Development Planning, the Regional Council approved that the following four projects to be funded with a total amount of N$337,993.54:

  • Grace’s Project Farming (Okorukambe):                N$80,000.00
  • Nazley Motsang/Sibusang Farming (Aminuis):        N$100,000.00
  • Mbingana Trading Garden (Otjombinde):                N$77,000.00
  • Omawe-womizeme Trading cc (Epukiro):                N$80,000.00

The Regional Council allocated an amount of N$1 million during the 2019/2020 financial year to support projects that have the potential to contribute towards regional economic development. Of this amount, N$662,006.46 was already utilised in 2021 to fund four other projects. The balance will, therefore, be utilised to fund the four projects above.

A total of 24 projects in the region were assessed, after which 10 projects were prioritised for funding, having met the minimum requirements set out in the qualifying criteria, and also show great economic competitiveness in terms of the revenue generated as well as their prospects of creating more job opportunities.

Council further considered that its Management Committee has directed the Division of Development Planning to formulate concept papers and project proposals for projects that do not have funding allocated in order to seek funding for them.

Council further directed that the next funding opportunity should benefit projects from constituencies that are not represented during this round of funding, namely Gobabis, Kalahari and Otjinene Constituency.

Finally, Council further directed that the project members who were previously funded through the Division of Rural Services should further be capacitated with skills such as bookkeeping and other business-related training to help them manage their projects well.

Investment and Development Proposal for Epukiro Post 3 by Value Development Trading (Pty) Ltd [RCR: 13/08/2023]

The Regional Council granted provisional approval to Value Development Trading (Pty) Ltd (VDC) to conduct an environmental impact assessment for the construction of a fuel station in Epukiro Post on Erf 31.

The Regional Council’s Engineers will determine service demand and availability and verify the proposed plot size of 6,600 square meters to be allocated for the development proposal for retail shops, private clinics and fuel station.

VDC submitted this proposal to Epukiro Constituency Development Committee, which is expected to create about 270 jobs. The company plans to invest a total of N$25 million in the settlement.

Progress of the Build Together Programme Implementation as at 30 June 2023 [RCR: 14/08/2023]

The Regional Council considered that the Administration has commenced with the implementation of the Build Together Programme (BTP) in Epukiro Post 3, Tallismanus and Aminuis settlements, were 70 houses are expected to be constructed as well as one house in Otjinene.

Council considered the progress observed at each settlement with the construction of the houses, of which 58 houses are currently under construction.

Council considered that, by 30 June 2023, an amount of N$3,543,015.71 was utilised for the payment of suppliers and contractors.

Council further directed its Management Committee and the Chief Regional Officer to undertake a site visit and meet with the BTP beneficiaries in order to assess progress and address challenges.

Survey Reports of Drimiopsis, Tallismanus, Corridor 13 and Aminuis RCR: 15/08/2023]

The Regional Council considered the survey reports of Tallismanus and Drimiopsis conducted by T.H. Makaza Land Surveyors, as well as Corridor 13 and Aminuis settlements conducted by the V. Nhau Land Surveyors. The surveys were conducted at a total cost of N$340,489.92.

The Regional Council appointed the two land surveyors to render the following surveying services:

  • Beacon relocation of Tallismanus townland boundaries
  • Beacon relocation of 107 erven in Tallismanus
  • Detailed survey of Drimiopsis
  • Beacon relocation of Drimiopsis townland boundaries
  • Beacon relocation of Aminuis townland boundaries
  • Beacon relocation of Aminuis RC township
  • Beacon relocation of Rietquelle area in Aminuis
  • Detailed survey of Corridor 13 settlement
  • Beacon relation of Corridor 13 settlement boundaries

Distribution of Namibia Agricultural Mechanisation and Seed Improvement Project (NAMSIP) Machinery to Constituencies in the Omaheke Region [RCR: 19/08/2023]

The Regional Council provisionally approved that the Namibia Agricultural Mechanisation and Seed Improvement Project (NAMSIP) machinery idling at the Regional Directorate of Agricultural Production, Engineering and Extension Services offices be distributed to all constituencies to assist the region in mitigating the effects of drought.

Council further directed that the machinery be distributed equitably, with Gobabis, Kalahari and Okorukambe constituencies each receiving 10 machines, while the rest of the machines should be distributed equally among Aminuis, Epukiro, Otjinene and Otjombinde constituencies.

Activity and Accountability Reports

The Regional Council considered the following activity and accountability reports:

  • Activity Report of the Division of Administration for April 2023 [RCR: 05/08/2023]
  • Activity Report of the Division of Administration for May and June 2023 [RCR: 06/08/2023]
  • Financial Management Report as at 30 April 2023 of the 2023/24 Fiscal Year [RCR: 08/08/2023]
  • Financial Management Report as at 31 May 2023 of the 2023/24 Fiscal Year [RCR: 09/08/2023]
  • Activity Report of the Technical and Maintenance Services Subdivision for April and May 2023 [RCR: 16/08/2023]
  • Activity Report of the Division of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare for Quarter 1 of the 2023/2024 Financial Year [RCR: 18/08/2023]