
The Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture was delegated to the Regional Council by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture as is responsible for the implementation of overall policies, regulatory frameworks and guidelines for general, formal education which support good practices at school and management level; to secure equal access to knowledge and information for lifelong learning by creating and maintaining regional libraries/information centers; to identify, develop and promote creative talents and artistic skills, careers, services and production; and to identify, develop and promote the culture and heritage of Namibians for nation building and unity in diversity.

Core Functions

The Directorate's functions are executed by the following two divisions:

Division of Programmes and Quality Assurance

  • Implement National Standards and Performance Indicators for Schools (NSPI) and specifications, standards and monitoring of hostels
  • Implement the Namibia School Feeding Programme and support to community hostels
  • Ensure that regional education activites are in the bes interest of the development of all learners through compliance with relevant Acts, regulation, policies and ratified international instruments such as Education for All Goals, Millennium Development Goals, Elimination of All Forms of Child Labour and protection and monitoring of the Rights of the Child to Education
  • Offers subject advisory services which includes professional continuous development of advisory teachers in region, as well as subject teachers with specific emphasis placed on Mathematics and Science and where the need is identified. 
  • Procure textbooks, learning material and specialized equipment through ordering, auditing, re-distribution in addition to ensuring care of textbooks and learning support material at regional level
  • Deal with all enquiries related to learner admission and promotion requirements and provision for marginalized groups
  • Implement national policies and guidelines on education provision to educationally marginalized children through special needs education and inclusive education
  • Cater for guidance, counselling and support services, especially for educational, psychological and social assessment
  • Ensure HIV and AIDS mitigation and prevention as well as behaviour modification

Division of Lifelong Learning

  • Facilitate the development of information and computer literacy skills through community libraries.
  • Ensure that citizens have access to all sorts of information in all formats, (including Braille and audio books for visually impaired)