Omaheke region serves as the hunting capital of the country, and every year between June and August hunters flock to the region to collect their trophy kills.

The majority of the western, central and south-western Omaheke is occupied by privately-owned freehold farms comprising around 900 households. Within the whole Omaheke region there are 924 locales in communal/rural areas with most of them being traditional villages.

Despite its many opportunities Omaheke region has mainly identified three prominent economic activities that have comparative and competitive advantages: livestock production, transport and logistics, and natural resources.

Omaheke Region has seven constituencies OtjombindeKalahariOkorukambeEpukiroGobabisOtjinene and Aminuis headed by elected Regional Councillors. The region has one town (Gobabis) and three villages (LeonardvilleOtjinene and Witvlei) that are proclaimed local authority areas and eight recognised traditional authorities from different communities who serve as advisers to the President on communal land issues and other traditional matters. The regional seat is at Gobabis, which is 200 km from the capital city, Windhoek.

Public service delivery is executed through different line ministries while the Omaheke Regional Council coordinates the planning and development of program activities in the Region. Most of the public offices in the region operate in Gobabis, though some are further decentralized at the grassroots level. 

The various infrastructures that are available to support the regional development range from energy, information communication technology, water and sanitation, housing, and transportation.  The following key economic activities are fundamental pillars of the region's economy, namely the Trans-Kalahari Corridor, agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, industrial development, mining, and natural resources.

The region will promote all efforts towards these activities to achieve comparative advantage, taking into account the various institutions the region has available, to propel regional economic growth and services offered.

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