Hon Cllr Nguvauva Okorukambe Constituency

Okorukambe Constituency is an electoral constituency in Omaheke Region. It has 10,060 inhabitants according to the 2011 Population and Housing Census report.

The Regional Councillor for Okorukambe Constituency is Honourable Rocco Nguvauva of Swapo Party. Hon. Nguvauva also represents the Omaheke Region as a Member of the National Council.

The district capital of Okorukambe is Witvlei, which has a Village Council. Okorukambe further contains the settlements of Omitara and Summerdown. Most of the constituency is taken up by privately-owned freehold farms. The constituency borders Gobabis to the south, Epukiro to the east, Otjinene to the north and Khomas region to the west. The Constituency Office is situated at Farm Du Plessis which is 92 kilometers from Gobabis. 

Economic Development and Investment

Tourism and Accommodation 

Harnas Wildlife Resorts, Thaba Cultural Centre and Epukiro RC provide significant contributions to the tourism industry within the constituency. 

Bush Encroachment

Charcoal and wood production takes place at Farm Hekel no. 415 of Mr. B Classen, and at Rooibult no. 686 (resettlement farm) of Ms. Agnes M. Tjiramba. 

Livestock Production 

In terms of cattle farming businesses, there is the possibility of improvement of the current livestock auction pens that market cattle in the constituency to potential buyers. These auction pens market cattle in terms of weight, quality and the healthiness. There is currently one auction pen at Farm Du Plessis for the farmer’s association. 

Development Opportunities

Farm Du Plessis Youth Centre

This is a development centre and is not currently in operation. It is situated at Du Plessis, 92 kilometers north of Gobabis (the regional capital). Future plans include agricultural training. 

Sandveld Research Station

The research station is situated 92 km from Gobabis. The Agricultural research station researches adaptability of different livestock breeds and other as per request.

Transport infrastructure

The Constituency has benefited by the upgrading of C22 road to bitumen standard. The upgrading of this road will mostly benefit trucks travelling from South Africa en-route to SADC Countries via Katima Mulilo. 

Skoonheid Livelihood Support Programme

The Livelihood Support Programme (LISUP) is a partnership between the Ministry of Land Reform, the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia and Foundation CEAR/Habit Africa. It is responsible for carrying out the following tasks regarding food security/agriculture: 

  • Establishment of Agriculture Producers Groups;
  • Training in rain-fed and irrigated cultivation of fruits, vegetables and stable crops;
  • Provision of seeds and other inputs;
  • Rehabilitation of water infrastructure and training communities in water demand management;
  • Provision of drip irrigation systems;
  • Marketing surplus production;
  • Support to livestock production and rangeland management;
  • Capacity building in design, production and marketing of crafts;
  • Training in entrepreneurial skills;
  • Establishing marketing channels for crafts.

Community Projects

Name of project 



Come and Enjoy take away 

Selling take away food 

Epukiro RC 

Vazeua Kozombaze 

Wood projects 


Morukondjo Gardening and poultry 

Chicken, vegetables and fruit 


Ongondjero Tombstones 

Selling coffins 


Otutako Project 

Selling otutako 


Chrisnetta Decorations 

Selling decorations 


Ondwezu Leather Project 

Selling leather products 


Hendrik Welding 

Welding products 


Eho radje Ondjerera 


Du Plessis farm 

Davema Firewood 

Selling fire wood 

Omitara farms 


Bricks making 

Epukiro RC 

Itireleng Cattle Project 


Epukiro RC 

Baepi General Trading 

Welding project 

Epukiro RC 


Namibian-German Special Initiative

  • In 2009 the Programme donated 244 cattle and 8 bulls to San community of Skoonheid. From 2009 up to date the livestock count has increased to 446.
  • In 2012 they donated 450 small live stocks (goats) to the youth of Okorukambe Constituency.

Click here to learn more about the Namibian-German Special Initiative