Omitara is a settlement in the Okorukambe Constituency of the Omaheke Region located 99 kilometres on tarred road from the regional capital, Gobabis. It has a population of approximately 789 inhabitants. Omitara and Otjivero Railway Station are two TransNamib railway stops en route from Windhoek to Gobabis.

There is one primary school, a police station and one clinic.

A major business here is Omitara Trading while most residents are employed by the school, clinic and police station as well as commercial farms surrounding the area. Other sources of employment and income include communal farming, small business activities and Basic Income Grant allowances.  Click here to learn more about the Basic Income Grant.

NamWater and NamPost both have office here. A possible area of investment here is the Omiti-omire copper mine which is being constructed and has an estimated lifespan of 5 – 10 years.