Hon. Cllr. Kazongominja

Aminuis Constituency is an electoral constituency in Omaheke region with a population of 12,306 people, according to the 2011 Population and Housing Census  report.  The Regional Councillor for Aminuis Constituency is Honourable. Peter Kazongominja of the National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO). Hon. Kazongominja also represents the Omaheke Region as a Member of the National Council.

Aminuis Constituency borders the Republic of Botswana to the east, Kalahari and Gobabis to the north, Khomas Region to the west and Hardap Region to the south. The size of the constituency is 13,028 square kilometres.

The area of Aminuis today is inhabited by Ovambanderu, Tswana and the San minority.

The main centres are Leonardville, which has a Village Council, Aminuis and Corridor 13 which are settlements. Another centre is Onderombapa which is a growth point. The Constituency office is located at Aminuis Settlement, 200 km from the regional capital, Gobabis.


Located about 125 kilometres from Gobabis on tarred road, Onderombapa is a growth point with potential.  There are some 2,403 inhabitants here. It has one clinic and several businesses, namely Rituna Winkel, Kahirona General Dealer, Moreson Winkel & Service Station and Kondjouua General Dealer. 

These businesses coupled with livestock farming are the main employers and sources of income for residents.

Pamwe Cooperative has an office here.?Possible areas of investments are livestock farming and calcrete mining.

Economic Development and Investment

Tourism and Accommodation

Tuauana Guest House at Aminuis and Kalahari Wild Silk both offer accommodation facilities for to visitors and tourists in the constituency. Okambahoka community- based lodge is another accommodation establishment which is currently leased to the Roads Contractors Company until the upgrade of the MR 91 road to bitumen standard is completed.

Bush Encroachment

A good example of a bush encroachment challenge turned into an opportunity is the Prosopis Woodworks and Furniture factory at Leonardville which manufactures timber, furniture, wood and charcoal. 

Livestock production

Livestock farming is the main source of income in the constituency and there are auction pens at Corridor 13, Onderombapa, Aminuis, Leonardville and Farm Monica. Auctions are held on a rotational basis at the different places to cater for the needs of the farmers.

Development Centres and Businesses in Aminuis Constituency

Kalahari Wild Silk Manufactures

The Kalahari Wild Silk Manufacturers is a community-based organization and is registered as a section 21 company not having share capital, and is an incorporated association not for gain. It is located at Leonardville. The company manufactures carpets, scarfs, curtains, pillows, shawls and duvets from silk cocoons. Occasionallyanimals may feed on dry cocoons which cannot be digested and this may result in death of livestock. The collection of cocoons therefore contributes to the protection of the environment as it reduces livestock and game mortality. 

Prosopis Woodworks & Furniture Factory 

This is a privately owned business which manufactures timber, furniture, wood and charcoal, hence creating employment opportunities. 

Community Projects  

Name of project 



Ndundusa Catering 

Selling take-away food 


Aminuis Trading Enterprises 

Harvesting & selling wood 


Etemo Lucerne Project 

Chicken, vegetables and fruit 


Smiley Catering & Food Supplies 

Selling take-away food 


NGSIP goats Project 

Goat farming

Corridor area 

NGSIP goat project 

Goat farming





Multipurpose Centre 

Rest camp & accommodation facility 


Poor Farmers Support Project 

Goat farming

Tukus & Ondjiripumua 

Kalahari Wild Silk 

Carpets, scarves, curtains and accommodation 


San Low Cost Housing Project 

Construction of houses for the community 

Corridor 17 

Petoors Trading Enterprises 

Selling take-away food and catering 


Mekondjo Pottery 



Corridor 13 Goat project 

Food security and nutrition 

Corridor 13 

Otjituve Goat Project 

Food security and nutrition 


Tamunee General Dealer 

Poultry farming 


Aminuis Hair Salon and Bakery 

Hair Salon 
