Witvlei is a village in Okorukambe Constituency in the Omaheke Region of central-eastern Namibia with a population of 1,638 residents. It is situated on the B6 150 kilometres from Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek, and 53 kilometres to Gobabis. It is governed by a Village Council headed by the Chairperson of the Village Council. Mr. Muisoor serves as the Chief Executive Officer, the administrative head of the Council.

Witvlei has one school, one clinic, a police station and a post office (NamPost). 

Businesses here include Witvlei Meat (an abattoir, taxidermy and clothing factory while possible areas of investments are skills development, livestock farming and horticulture.

Witvlei Meat is the main employer and major source of income for residents.

Besides the Witvlei Village Council, other offices here are the Ministry of Gender Equality and Child Welfare, Adult Education and CoHeNa.