Otjinene Constituency - OmahekeRC
Cllr Hon Erwin Katjizeu
Otjinene Constituency is an electoral constituency in Omaheke Region. It has 7,306 inhabitants according to the 2011 Population and Housing Census
report and its district capital is the village of Otjinene.
The Regional Councillor for Otjinene Constituency is Honourable Erwin Katjizeu of National Unity Democratic Organisation (NUDO).
Otjinene is located in the north-west part of the region bordering Okorukambe to the south, Otjombinde to the east and Otjozondjupa region to the north. Otjinene has 93 villages which are mostly controlled by livestock farming and a smaller number of non-farming activities such as retail shops and limestone production. There are also other business activities such as open market stalls, shops, restaurants and guest houses.
Economic Development and Investment
Otjinene Village is one of the fastest business growing locations in the Omaheke region. Numerous markets are mushrooming every day and as a result many people from nearby localities migrate to Otjinene in search of better lives and hopes for employment opportunities.
Agriculture and Beef Production
Otjinene Constituency has the largest number of cattle amongst the rural constituencies in the region. Auctions are held every second week in Otjinene and this has contributed to the expansion of businesses which promotes a high buying power.
Tourism and Accommodation
Ozombu-Zovindimba Cultural Heritage has a large contribution to the tourism industry in the constituency. The constituency intends to establish a historical museum at Otjinene, namely the Kapiringi Museum, which shall showcase war artifacts and activities carried out during the German War of Occupation. Key historical artifacts and trees such as the Ozondjete and Ngauzepo trees, and the Kapiringi ox wagon are some of the features to be showcased at the museum.
There are two lodges, the Kaumbangere Lodge and Dr Tjiriange Lodge.
Manufacturing in Otjinene constituency is an economic activity that needs to be developed. Currently, manufacturing is performed on a small scale, consisting only of leather processing and soap making projects
Mining and Natural Resources Processing
Otjinene constituency is blessed with many natural resources such as the Devil’s Claw, which are often not truly exploited. Calcrete mining is reasonably established at Otjiwetjombungu, Omahua and Omungondo.
Other Economic Potentials
Micro-finance projects
The rural development projects with potential viability which are supported in the region include: Otjikorondo Tannery (Ungura Uvaterue Leather Project), Kuuoko Kondjera Ezumo Project (leather), Orusuuo/Omakara Project (wood & charcoal), Kity Hair Salon Project, Hope For Hopeless Foundation Project (dairy), Uaumbohama Trading/Tukondja Pamue Project (kapana), Kondja Soap Manufacturing Project, Komesho Sewing Machine Project, Momikova Muna Ouua Project and Rock Shoe Maker and Repair.
Transport Infrastructures
The constituency benefited by the upgrading of the C22 road, which links Gobabis to Grootfontein, to bitumen standard. The upgrading of this road will mostly affect trucks travelling from South Africa en-route to other SADC Countries via Katima Mulilo.