Residential Municipal Services

The Regional Council has four settlement offices in AminuisEpukiroTallismanus and Omitara settlements. Aminuis Settlement Office also serves Corridor 13 settlement which currently does not have an office while Omitara Settlement Office also serves Buitepos settlement.  The settlement offices provide municipal services to the inhabitants, namely water provision, sewerage management, refuse removal, street roads and electricity (through its partner, CENORED).

Contact the settlement offices for connection to municipal services.  Click here for Contact Details    


The Regional Disaster Risk Management Unit within the Regional Council is charged with the mitigation of the effects of natural disasters and to respond to such disasters, with the support of the Office of the Prime Minister.

Contact the Division Aministration for enquiries. Click here for contact details.  






The Division of Rural Services provides support to a variety of projects in the region with the financial support and guidelines of the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development. This is done through Rural Development Programmes, namely:

1. Cash/Food for Work 6. One Region One Initiative
2. Micro-finance 7. Ben-hur Rural Development Centre
3. Regional Specific Action Plan 8. Rural Sanitation
4. Support Resources for Poor Farmers 9. Rural Electrification
5. Rural Employment Scheme  


Click here for more information about Rural Development Programmes


The Division of Development Planning in the Regional Council aims to capacitate small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region with skills and opportunities to promote their products and services as well as identifying and promoting local economic development opportunities in the region using the Regional Local Economic Development Strategy .

Contact the Division of Development Planning for enquiries.  Click here for Contact Details.

Click here for more information about Economic Development Initiatives


The HIV/AIDS Regional Coordination Unit within the Regional Council is responsible for multi-sectoral regional coordination in the mitigation and response the HIV pandemic in the region with the aim of reducing new HIV infections and providing livelihood support to those affected by or infected with the virus. This is done through the Regional AIDS Coordinating Committee.

Click here for more information about HIV/AIDS Regional Coordination


​​​​​Through the Decentralised Build Together Programme, the Regional Council provides funding to the residents in all settlements for the construction of low cost housing.

The Division of Administration, through the settlement offices and the recommendation of Settlement Development Committees, leases serviced residential, business and institutional plots to the public.

Contact the settlement office to apply for land or a Build Together loan. Click here for contact details


Among many responsibilities, the Division of Technical Services is responsible for the construction and maintenance of infrastructure in the region.  Most of the infrastructural development projects are funded under the Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks of the Government.

Click here for ongoing capital projects being implemented by the Regional Council


The Division of Development Planning in the Regional Council coordinating the development planning process, integrates regional development plans, oversees the implementation of regional development plans in line with sub-sector policies and guidelines, coordinates delegated functions, initiates the regional Capital Budget and monitors the implementation of capital projects, as well as collecting data within the region.

Contact the Division of Development Planning for enquiries.  Click here for contact details