The HIV and AIDS Regional Coordination Unit within the Regional Council is responsible for multi-sectoral regional coordination in the mitigation and response the HIV pandemic in the region with the aim of reducing new HIV infections and providing livelihood support to those affected by or infected with the virus. This is done through the Regional AIDS Coordinating Committee (RACOC) made up of representatives from Government institutions, private sector, civil organisation, community-based organisation and faith-based organisation - particularly those involved in the prevention, mitigation, response, treatment and care of people affected by HIV and AIDS and Tuberculosis.
RACOC meets on a quarterly basis and is guided by the National Strategic Framework for HIV and AIDS Response in Namibia which highlights the importance of people living with HIV (PLHIV) being involved in decision making. The Regional Ccouncil via the HIV and AIDS Regional Coordination Unit is required to play a key role in supporting that representation.
The regional representative framework is an example of a functioning system for grass roots and community input to regional, and ultimately national discussions. The structure is still evolving and welcomes the input of other regional stakeholders, particularly from the private sector.
RACOC implements the HIV and AIDS Regional Response programme through a number of programmes and activities, including:
- Advocacy communication social mobilization meetings;
- Distribution of Information Communication Education material;
- My Future is My Choice and Window of Hope programmes in schools;
- Condom promotion and distribution.
Treatment, Care and Support
- Community Home Based Care activities;
- HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT);
- Anti-retroviral Therapy outreach;
- TB/HIV co-infection prevention ;
- TB treatment and management;
- Community based DOTS;
- Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission services.

Impact Mitigation
- Community Livelihood Support Programme;
- Community Capacity Enhancement Approach.
Response Management
- Constituency AIDS Coordinating Committees;
- System for Programme Monitoring (SPM);
- Commemoration of World AIDS Day.