The Regional Council appoints a Chief Regional Officer after consultation with the Minister of Urban and Rural Development, who is the Chief Executive Officer of the Regional Council and is, subject to the control and directions of the Regional Council, responsible for carrying out of the decisions of the Regional Council and for the administration of the affairs of the Regional Council.



​​​​​​​Mr Pecka Semba

Duties of the Chief Regional Officer

The main responsibilities of the Chief Regional Officer include:

  • Ensuring the drawing up of the budget and compilation of the financial reports thereof;
  • Advising the Council on policy matters in terms of finance and human resources;
  • Accountable for the development and implementation of an economically sustainable performance-driven administration of the Regional Council;
  • Causing Council minutes to be taken in Council meetings;
  • Liaising with the Ministry of Justice and Office of the Government Attorney on legal matters;
  • Ensuring efficient management of resources, rationalization and optimization of service delivery, skills change management;
  • Ensuring the development and overseeing of the implementation of by-laws, policies, systems, procedures and standards of the Regional Council;
  • Ensuring and implementing the Regional Council’s Strategic Plan;
  • Adhering to and implementing the duties of the Accounting Officer as prescribed by the relevant Acts;
  • Initiating developmental programmes for the region in collaboration with Central Government;
  • Implementing, managing and accounting for all decentralised functions;
  • Formulating and implementing the strategic direction, operational plans, goals, as well as the performance management of staff;
  • Promoting good governance by developing standards and operational procedures.