Delegated Functions - OmahekeRC
The Division of Lands was delegated to the Regional Council by the Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. The division is responsible for facilitating, coordinating and implementing the resettlment process and activities, and for keeping and maintaining a database of information on the resettled beneficiaries. The major functions of this division are:
- Allocation of resettlement farms (facilitating the resettlment process)
- Collection of resettlement rental fees and lease agreement
- Post-settlement support
- Resolution of disputes
- Group resettlement projects
Information and Communication Technology
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Section was delegated to the Regional Council by the Ministry of ICT. The section is responsible for rendering a timely, coordinated and effective multimedia information service, to promote constructive dialogue towards socio-economic development and democracy, with the view towards making Namibia an informed, knowledgeable and technology-driven society. The major functions of the section are to:
- Implement and increase beneficial use of ICTs in Namibia through managing ICT Centers in regional remote rural and urban areas
- Film, edit, produce, disseminate and retrieve audiovisual materials
- Facilitate the free flow of information through the Public Address (PA) system
- Provide the public with effective tools of Information and Communication Technology at all levels
- Provide multi-media coverage of Government programmes, services and activities
- Distribute and sell videos/DVDs on government policies, activities, programmes and the country’s developmental plans.
The Sub-division of Maintenance was delegated to the Regional Council by the Ministry of Works and Transport. The sub-division is responsible for the management and maintenance of government real estate and related infrastructure as well as planning, supervision and monitoring of capital projects construction. The major functions of this sub-division are to:
- Renovate and maintain all Government properties and related infrastructure
- Provide office space to the Government Ministries, Offices and Agencies
- Allocate official accommodation to the members of civil servants
- Coordinate the planning and construction of capital projects and related infrastructure
- Advice the public on matters related to the Building Industry in line with the Namibian laws
Gender Equality and Social Welfare
The Division of Gender Equality Poverty Eraducation and Social Welfare was delegated to the Regional Council by the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eraducation, and Social Welfare. The division is responsible for the mobilization and activatation of communities to enable them to identify their own problems, needs and aspirations and be able to take action towards development. The programme supports income generating activities, builds capacity of community members, and provides financial support for small-scale business initiatives especially those run and managed by women to promote economic empowerment for women. The programme is also responsible for building capacity for rural and disadvantaged urban communities to develop entrepreneurial skills to augment their income and promote employment opportunities and/or self-employment.
The major functions of this division are to:
- To ensure the implementation of Integrated Early Childhood Development Policy, to improve the management of delivery, systems for quality access to ECD services and programmes and to promote the establishment of ECD centres.
- To support communities by providing them with materials to construct community-based ECD caregivers, training of regional, constituency and ECD centers committee members and by providing learning and teaching materials.