Land Servicing: Construction of Service Infrastructure

Land servicing projects are in line with the target of the Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5) to reduce Namibian households living in improvised houses from 19 % (in 2016) to 12 % by 2022.

The main objective of these projects are to construct services infrastructure, namely water, sewer, electricity, street/internal roads and dumping sites) in various settlements.  People living in these settlements will be the primary beneficiaries of these projects. The main components of the projects are:

  1. Feasibility studies
  2. Planning and surveying
  3. Design and documentation (including bidding)
  4. Construction and retention


Project Cost

Starting Date

Estimated Conclusion Date

Current Stage

Aminuis Constituency


N$2 million (budget)

April 2017

To be revised

Design and documentation

Corridor 13

N$2.9 million

April 2017

To be revised

Construction (8 per cent)

Epukiro Constituency


N$2 million (budget)

April 2017

To be revised

Design and documentation

Kalahari Constituency

Tsjaka/Ben Hur

N$2 million

April 2017

To be revised

Construction (35 per cent)


N$1.8 million

April 2017

To be revised

Construction (75 per cent)


N$1.69 million 

April 2018

To be revised

Construction (15 per cent)

Okorukambe Constituency


N$3 million

April 2018

To be revised

Construction (5 per cent)

Witvlei 1

N$14 million 

April 2011

To be revised

Construction (77 per cent)

Witvlei 2

N$5.4 (budget) 

April 2019

To be revised

Construction (35 per cent)

Otjombinde Constituency

Eiseb 10

N$1.3 million 

April 2017

To be revised

Construction (6 per cent)


N$2.3 million

April 2017

To be revised

Construction (15 per cent)


Public Service Performance: Construction of Office Buildings

The construction of office buildings is in line with the target of the Fifth National Development Plan (NDP5) to improve service delivery to the satisfaction of Namibian citizens by 2022.

The main objective of these projects are to construct office accommodation for staff members to carry out their official duties with ease for the benefit of the public seeking services from these offices.

The main components of the projects are:

  1. Feasibility studies
  2. Design and documentation
  3. Construction and retention


Current Budget Amount

Starting Date

Conclusion Date

Current Stage

Aminuis Settlement Office


April 2017

On hold

Design and documentation

Government Office Park (Gobabis)

N$162 million

April 2017

To be revised

Construction (83 per cent)