Leonardville is a village in Omaheke Region located 133 kilometres from the regional capital, Gobabis. It belongs to the Aminuis Constituency and has population of 2,686 inhabitants. The village is governed by a Village Council that has five seats headed by a Chairperson of the Village Council. The Chief Executive Officer is the administrative head of the Council.
Leonardville has one primary school, one secondary school, a clinic, a police station, a post office (NamPost) and a fish farm.
Businesses here include Toitjies Boerediens, Forest Supermarket, Kalahari Wild Silk, Prosopis Woodworks & Furniture Factory and Leonardville Garage service station.
Possible areas of investment include skills development, livestock farming, prosopis furniture & charcoal production.
Livestock farming, wages and salaries and small businesses are the major sources of income for residents.
Besides the Leonardville Village Council office, the Ministry of Works and Transport and the Directorate of Veterinary Services have office here.